Creating Vibes and Connections at the International Bowl Expo

Bowling music playing on a screen

We’re thrilled to report back from another exciting journey to Orlando, where Bowling Music Network and Control Play proudly participated in the International Bowl Expo. This annual gathering brought together members of the Bowling Proprietors’ Association of America (BPAA) for a chance to network, share insights, discuss industry trends, and of course, delve into the world of bowling entertainment.

The International Bowl Expo offered an incredible opportunity to meet with other passionate industry professionals. We exchanged ideas, learned about new trends, and had rich discussions about how to elevate the bowling experience. The event also provided the perfect platform for us to make new connections and strengthen existing relationships within the industry.

One of the primary focuses of our participation was sharing the advancements we’ve made in our bowling music platform. We’ve always believed in the power of music and digital signage to transform any environment, and a bowling center pairs perfectly. It was great to show our colleagues how using our platform can significantly increase revenue per lane and boost customer engagement. It has the power to engage customers, encourage return visits, and provide that “WOW” factor as soon as guests step in.

Bowling music playing beside the stage at bowl Expo

To illustrate this, we showcased some of our curated playlists at the Annual General Meeting and the Social Networking event. The reaction from attendees confirmed what we already knew – the right music can set the tone for any event and create an unforgettable atmosphere.

But it’s not just about making a great impression on first-time visitors. Our platform also enhances the overall bowling experience, which is key in fostering repeat business. By keeping the content fresh, relevant, and appealing to a broad range of tastes, we help create a bowling environment that customers want to return to, time and again.

The International Bowl Expo was a resounding success, and we came away with fresh perspectives, valuable insights, and strengthened connections. We’re already looking forward to bringing more exciting updates to next year’s event.

Until then, we continue to work hard at Bowling Music Network and Control Play, helping bowling centers across the country to create the perfect atmosphere and ensure customers always have a strike-ing good time!

Find out more about Bowling Music and Control Play

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