Feelin’ Good – Fixing Your Customers’ Mood with Music

Talking In A Bar

Countless studies have been done showing the effect music can have on guest experience. From affecting their mood, to how much time and money a guest spends in a restaurant, music for restaurants and bars is a key building block in the guest experience.

Nowhere have we seen this in action more clearly than with the Feelin’ Good playlist created by Control Play’s Chief Playlist Officer, Adam Melrose. In the summer of 2020, with COVID-19 negatively affecting bars, restaurants, location based entertainment, and so many more businesses in the hospitality industry, many Control Play customers found themselves with a similar need.

“I heard the same comment from quite a few customers,” Adam said. “Lots of businesses were open, but at limited capacity, and the guests they were seeing were definitely not in the happiest mood. So we figured we’d do what we do best, and help solve that problem.”

There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes when it comes to making a playlist. Every song in Control Play’s library is tagged with meta data about genre, popularity, energy level, and content rating. But many people don’t know, there’s even more data that Control Play’s playlist mixologists use. One example would be categorizing songs by mood. Is a song aggressive, sad, smooth, club feeling, or…happy?

“I dove into our music library with one purpose in mind,” Adam said. “Find the happiest music I can, and make a killer playlist! So we filtered songs by happy mood, energy level, and made sure the genres mixed well together, and came up with our signature Feelin’ Good playlist.”

And what was the response? “Fantastic,” Adam says. “Within a week I was getting phone calls from our customers, saying how much they loved the playlist, and how many more smiles they could see peeking out from behind masks. Having happy, uplifting music was a big plus for customers and employees, and over the summer it became one of our most played playlists.”

For more information on this and other playlists, click here

And to learn more about what goes into making you the perfect playlist, check out how it works!

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