Increase Your ROI With Control Play: How Digital Signage Can Change the Game

Men Watching sports with ad behind them

Marketing can feel like navigating a maze, but digital signage is a game changer that stands out as a unique and valuable business tool. It’s like the superhero of marketing, boosting your revenue and giving you an impressive return on investment. How does it work its magic? By sparking customer engagement and making them want to come back for more – it’s like they’re caught in a delightful loop! So, if you’re looking for something that’ll make your marketing stand out from the crowd and strike the right chord, digital signage is your new best friend.

The key to unlocking hidden ROI when looking at your digital signage is the golden metrics: customer engagement, experience, and involvement. The more these intangible measures shine, the more your digital signage becomes a trusty sidekick in generating revenue, both directly and indirectly. While promoting your business and services with your digital signage, you can also amp up your customers’ engagement using social media or email services. Are you asking them to follow you or sign up for daily specials? Let them engage with your brand. This helps you get the scoop on their perspective: Do they find the signage useful or valuable? Did it spark some purchase ideas they hadn’t considered before?

Some individuals at the bar with didigtal signage behind them
Unlock Your Digital Signage Superpowers with Control Play: Maximize Engagement, Amplify Your Message, and Boost Your Bottom Line!

Working with Control Play will help maximize the potential of your digital signage and how the messages are conveyed. With multiple formats for your signs – choose between video, audio, and mixed media options – you will have full control of what your customers see and how they see it so that their engagement with your business is maximized. Control Play’s creative team will use your existing content and curate industry-specific and specially branded information that will increase your profits and customer base.

The tools and software you will have access to through Control Play will make managing your digital signage and messaging easy and straightforward through a central remote control that you can use anywhere. Something as simple as being able to access your signage and change it as needed can help with both tangible and intangible metrics associated with your ROI from digital signage.

A Digital Signage Template Example

As your customers interact with your digital signs, you will need to collect and analyze these metrics to help determine which aspects are or are not working. You can assess the impact your system is having on your customers through observational analysis and direct interactions with customers through surveys and polls, as well as tracking if the menu items you are promoting are experiencing increased interest. Ask your customers what is working for them, how can things be improved, or what effects they do or don’t feel your signage achieves. Customer feedback is a great way to build upon your current systems. These surveys will give you the qualitative information that will help you improve them and, in turn, your overall ROI. When feedback is heard and implemented, customers often feel cared for and curated to, making them feel valued by your business and giving them a desire to come back.

Collecting data from how your digital signs operate and change a customer’s experience will help better your overall ROI on the system as you can better understand customers’ needs and the changing business landscape. It can sometimes be a slow process but pairing new digital signage with the creative team at Control Play will make it easier – both on your mind and bottom line.

Create Unforgettable Experiences Today

Create & Manage Your Vibe

With Control Play, you can easily enhance your brand experience to drive loyalty and revenue.