Incredi-bowl – Our Experience at the International Bowl Expo

Hall Featuring a bowling music banner

mark and adam bowl expoBowling Music Network and Control Play were excited to be back at another International Bowl Expo show and network with BPAA members in Las Vegas! We loved hearing and sharing new ideas, discussing new trends in the industry and talking about everything bowling entertainment related.

We made some new connections and strengthened current relationships while sharing advancements in how using the bowling music platform increases your revenue per lane, customer engagement, encourages return visits, and WOW’s your guests as soon as they walk in!

Our Playlists for the Annual General meeting and Social Networking event created a great vibe to kick off the show.

Version 12 of our player was a huge hit featuring:

  • A brand-new simplified user interface
  • A state-of-the-art digital signage template tool
  • New remote control
  • Primetime Playlists
  • Advanced automations

If you didn’t make it to International Bowl Expo but still want to discuss music playlists, music videos & digital signage for bowling centers?

Book a meeting with me

Control Play meeting at booth

Create Unforgettable Experiences Today

Create & Manage Your Vibe

With Control Play, you can easily enhance your brand experience to drive loyalty and revenue.