3 Tips To Elevating Your Tap Room Experience

Sampling beers at a tasting room

Everyone loves a good beer, right? But let’s be honest, it’s not just about the drink. It’s about the vibe, the ambiance, and the memories we create while having that pint. Customers are looking for the full experience – a fun, engaging, and delicious experience. So, what is the “secret sauce” that amps up the atmosphere of your taproom or bar?

  1. Music That Matches the Brew: Each beer tells a story, from the hops’ origin to the brewmaster’s touch. Similarly, the music in a craft taproom should echo its spirit. Whether it’s a mellow acoustic vibe like Jack Johnson’s “Banana Pancakes” for a smooth stout evening or some foot-tapping folk with that crisp IPA, the ambiance should be in sync with your brew. Ever noticed how the right tune can turn a simple moment into a memorable one? That’s the power of a well-curated playlist. Music sets the mood. Whether you’re after that laid-back chill evening or a lively night with pals, Control Play’s got your back with playlists that hit just the right notes.
  2. Digital Menus with a Crafty Twist: In the world of brewing, every beer has a backstory. Why not let your patrons dive into the journey? A dynamic digital menu can showcase the passion, the ingredients, and maybe even some fun facts or origin tales that led to that perfect pint. Highlight your seasonal specials, dive into the origins of unique blends, and engage patrons with striking visuals, all powered by Control Play’s comprehensive visual solutions.
  3. Ambiance Matters: It’s all in the details. A cozy corner with some fairy lights? Maybe some urban graffiti art on the walls? From barrels repurposed as tables to walls adorned with tales of brewing adventures, when your decor speaks volumes and pairs up with your music and digital signage capabilities, you’ve got yourself a winning combo.

Cold Craft Beer AssortmentIt’s the craft brewer’s vision, love, and attention to detail that turn a taproom visit into an unforgettable experience. In the world of beers and brews, it’s those little extras that make all the difference. So, if you’re ready to up your game and make your space the next go-to spot in town, let Control Play be your co-pilot. After all, a good beer deserves an awesome backdrop.

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